Ronak Tanna
This chart breaks down their competency for each of the six individual skills required to excel in Product Management
KYS score • 62
Their Performance
Top PMs
Skills that make them stand out from the crowd.
Technical Understanding
They are good at
They are good at
Based on their performance in the test, here is how they did in each of these skills
Product Sense
of 20
This is their strength
82% JD's mention this as a required skill for hiring PMs
How will this help?
of 15
This is their strength
74% JD's mention this as a required skill for hiring PMs
How will this help?
Technical Understanding
of 15
This is their strength
71% JD's mention this as a required skill for hiring PMs
How will this help?
Problem Solving
of 15
This is their blindspot
65% JD's mention this as a required skill for hiring PMs
How will this help?
Data-Driven & Experimentative
of 20
This is their strength
47% JD's mention this as a required skill for hiring PMs
How will this help?
Result Oriented
of 15
This is their blindspot
32% JD's mention this as a required skill for hiring PMs
How will this help?
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